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Alien Disclosure FilesCertain structures on our planet have stood the test of time and continue to astonish mankind. So much so, that alien intervention in their construction thousands of years ago, has yet to be ruled out.
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- Now Playing44minContacts with Crew Members
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- Now Playing22minO'Hare UFO Incident
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Alien Disclosure Files Series
- Now Playing23minAlien Energy
- Now Playing23minTake Me to your Leader
- Now Playing23minThe Black Knight
- Now Playing23minThe Doorway
- Now Playing23minThe Final Dimension
- Now Playing23minAncient Structures
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Unsealed Alien Files
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- Now Playing23minThe Doorway
- Now Playing23minThe Black Knight
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- Now Playing23minUAP Hotspots
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- Now Playing23minThe Paradox
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Aliens & UFOs
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- Now Playing23minThe Final Dimension
- Now Playing23minThe Doorway
- Now Playing23minThe Black Knight
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- Now Playing23minUAP Hotspots
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- Now Playing23minThe Paradox
- Now Playing23minClose Encounters
- Now Playing23minThe Wonders of the Universe
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- Now Playing45minPart Two
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- Now Playing23minPast Life Regression
- Now Playing25minPlanet Mars: Alien Outpost or Hostile Neighbor?
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- Now Playing26minHuman Origins: Five Thousand Years or Older?
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Witches & Creatures
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- Now Playing53minOn the Yeti Trail
- Now Playing46minThe Lady of The Lake
- Now Playing1hr 46minThe Unseen
- Now Playing52minDecoding da Vinci
- Now Playing47minThe Real World
- Now Playing46minIreland
- Now Playing59minThe Fellowship of the Ring
- Now Playing50minKing Arthur: The Legend
- Now Playing1hr 12min3rd Night
- Now Playing52minNazi Creatures
- Now Playing48minWar On Witches
- Now Playing47minThe Galleries of Justice
- Now Playing47minThe National Emergency Services Museum, Sheffield
- Now Playing46minThe Edinburgh Executioner
- Now Playing47minThe Enfield Poltergeist
- Now Playing47minNewton House - Part 2
- Now Playing60minThe Two Towers
- Now Playing44minStately Spirits
- Now Playing47minSaltmarshe Hall - Part 2
- Now Playing60minGhosts & Witches of Olde England
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- Now Playing1hr 19minInvasion of the Dark Stars
- Now Playing47minThe Royal Court Theatre, Bacup
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- Now Playing47minWales
- Now Playing45minEngland
- Now Playing51minThe Real Merlin
- Now Playing47minDelapre Abbey
- Now Playing57minThe Hobbit
- Now Playing47minYe Olde Kings Head, Chester
- Now Playing48minThe Gateway
- Now Playing1hr 39minBlack Mountain Side
- Now Playing59minReturn of the King
- Now Playing45minScotland
- Now Playing53minDefeating The Devil
- Now Playing47minSaltmarshe Hall - Part 1
- Now Playing46minVampire Skeletons
- Now Playing46minNewton House - Part 1
- Now Playing48minJosef Goebbels
- Now Playing22minOuija Boards
- Now Playing20minStargates
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- Now Playing20minAmerica's Alien Wars
- Now Playing20minH.A.A.R.P.
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- Now Playing52minThe Nazi Camps - An Architecture of Murder
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- Now Playing55minHunting the KGB Killers
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- Now Playing23minThe Death of Princess Diana: Tragic Car Accident or Murder Most Foul?
- Now Playing23minPast Life Regression Pt. 2
- Now Playing22minThe Roswell UFO Incident
- Now Playing47minSaqqara - The First Pyramid
- Now Playing22minAre We Running Out of Oil?
- Now Playing23minThe Secret Space Program
- Now Playing20minTime Travel
- Now Playing20minSecret Government Warehouses
- Now Playing56minOperation Valkyrie: The Plot to Assassinate Hitler
- Now Playing20minZombies
- Now Playing22minMokele Mbembe
- Now Playing22minThe Philadelphia Experiment
- Now Playing48minThe Last Secrets of Giza
- Now Playing20minHuman Cloning
- Now Playing20minDoomsday
- Now Playing48minDahshur - An Incredible Discovery
- Now Playing23minVaccines: Are They Safe?
- Now Playing22minO'Hare UFO Incident
- Now Playing53minHitler's Secret Son
- Now Playing23minCrop Circles
- Now Playing23minThe Framing of Sirhan Sirhan
- Now Playing23minThe Central Banking Conspiracy
- Now Playing20minThe Anti-Christ
- Now Playing22minJFK
- Now Playing20minFake World Leaders
- Now Playing23minThe Rise of the Fourth Reich: Nazis in America
- Now Playing22minIs Jim Morrison Alive?
- Now Playing44minEpisode 2
- Now Playing20minNazis Today
- Now Playing22minThe Shroud of Turin
- Now Playing23minThe Starchild Skull
- Now Playing23minUFO Disclosure
- Now Playing53minEpisode 1: The 1950s
- Now Playing23minRemote Viewing
- Now Playing23min9/11 Controlled Demolition
- Now Playing22minThe Assassination of John Lennon
- Now Playing22minBigfoot
The Past Hunters
- Now Playing45minThe Haunted Parade
- Now Playing46minTutbury Castle
- Now Playing45minHack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker
- Now Playing45minMill Street Barracks
- Now Playing43minBulkeley Hotel
- Now Playing51minOrdsall Hall
- Now Playing48minDrakelow Tunnels
- Now Playing42minKnutsford Crown Court Part 2
- Now Playing45minPlas Teg
- Now Playing49minWhitby Hall
- Now Playing43minThe Haunted Mill Part 1
- Now Playing45minRazor Ruddock's Home
- Now Playing50minCarnfield Hall
- Now Playing45minThe Chocolate Factory
- Now Playing41minKnutsford Crown Court Part 1
- Now Playing47minThackray Medical Museum
- Now Playing46minBlackpool Pleasure Beach
- Now Playing44minThe Haunted Mill Part 2
- Now Playing45minThe Block
Ghost Dimension: Lockdown (VOD)
- Now Playing42minThe Soap Ghost
- Now Playing38minThe Haunted Castle
- Now Playing54minThe Factory Return
- Now Playing45minWindleshaw Abbey
- Now Playing25minNorris Green Mansion Part 1
- Now Playing59minThe Club
- Now Playing39minHouse of Hauntings
- Now Playing40minHaunted Crank Caves
- Now Playing55minHaunted Grotto
- Now Playing38minPoltergeist House
- Now Playing40minFamily Full of Ghosts
- Now Playing30minNorris Green Mansion Part 2
- Now Playing42minHaunted and Cursed Magpie Mines
- Now Playing1hr 1minThe Factory
- Now Playing44minSoul Less House of Ghosts Part 1
- Now Playing41minLegh Arms Historic Haunting Part 1
- Now Playing51minGhosts of The Asylum
- Now Playing32minSoul Less House of Ghosts Part 2
- Now Playing44minChillingham Castle
- Now Playing41minLegh Arms Historic Haunting Part 2
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- Now Playing1hr 32minWalk Away
- Now Playing56minOperation Valkyrie: The Plot to Assassinate Hitler
- Now Playing1hr 42minAlien Assassin
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- Now Playing52minHitler's Last Secrets: Hitler, Himmler, and the Occult
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- Now Playing1hr 19minDeath in the Bunker
- Now Playing1hr 19minInvasion of the Dark Stars
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