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I'll Have What Phil's Having Season 1Join Phil in the place he calls the "City of Sweets" as he indulges in some of the finest hot chocolate, football-sized croissants and vanilla bombes and searches for the best roast chicken and vegetable-centric dishes in the City of Lights.Xumo Free Food TV

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Iron Chef, Part 2

Iron Chef, Part 3

Simply Ming, Part 1

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 1

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 2

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 3

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 4

French Fridays

Italian Sundays

Hot Ones, Part 1

Hot Ones, Part 2

Hot Ones, Part 3

Hot Ones, Part 4

Hot Ones, Part 5

The French Chef Seasons 6-8

The French Chef Seasons 8-10

Exploring Mexico's Kitchen with Rick Bayless

Mexico: One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless

A Moveable Feast with America's Favorite Chefs

Brindiamo! with Ornella Fado Seasons 5-8

Celebrating the Holidays