Bright Now
Short stories about science and tech, history, global issues, and the personalities at the center of it all.
12minParasite PlanetS1 Ep1
22minMystery Signal from SpaceS1 Ep2
9minHacking our MicrobiomeS1 Ep3
18minAfrican Animal RescueS1 Ep4
17minSearch for Japan's Lost SupersubS1 Ep5
21minHunt for the U-576S1 Ep6
9minSkinny GenesS1 Ep7
9minSaving VeniceS1 Ep8
11minMessage From Space?S1 Ep9
22minBlockchain RevolutionS1 Ep10
12minThe Wright Brothers: BraveryS1 Ep11
10minNew Firefighting TechS1 Ep12
13minOctopus EncountersS1 Ep13
10minSuper Sea SlugsS1 Ep14
11minRebirth of an Underwater ForestS1 Ep15
11minPredicting A ProS1 Ep16
12minSaving TokyoS1 Ep17
14minFirst In The SkyS1 Ep18
12minThe Race to Forecast WeatherS1 Ep19
10minBay of CrocsS1 Ep20
13minThe Mystery of U-455S1 Ep21
11minMonkey IslandS1 Ep22
13minNight At The AquariumS1 Ep23
10minWolves and TanksS1 Ep24
13minIberian Lynx: Saving the World's Most Endangered CatS1 Ep25
24minCrisis On Apollo 13S1 Ep26
19minAliens In the PondS1 Ep27
24minInsect ApocalypseS1 Ep28
14minEngineering A ProS1 Ep29
11minPath to the ProsS1 Ep30
11minLast American Slave ShipS1 Ep31
20minThe Science of CuteS1 Ep32
12minGreenland is MeltingS1 Ep33
10minAmazon BurningS1 Ep34
14minBerlin Wall RevisitedS1 Ep35
12minBear Cub RescueS1 Ep36
10minSchool for WhalesS1 Ep37
13minModern Stone Age FamilyS1 Ep38
14minExplosion of LifeS1 Ep39
9minSecret Underwater PlanetS1 Ep40
12minAsteroid or Alien Tech?S1 Ep41
12minSailing to the StarsS1 Ep42
16minApocalypse 101S1 Ep43
12minTastes Like T-RexS1 Ep44
13minLionfish: Alien of the SeaS1 Ep45
11minFire Ant InvasionS1 Ep46
13minFive Submarines Against the NazisS1 Ep47
13minBeyond ColdS1 Ep48
19minLocust SwarmS1 Ep49
11minCapturing WoodstockS1 Ep50
14minKetamine: From Street Drug to LifesaverS1 Ep51
13minTiny House: Living Off the GridS1 Ep52
11minRaising A GeniusS1 Ep53
12minCan You Learn to Be Funny?S1 Ep54
11minCoffee BuzzS1 Ep55
10minChungungo: The World's Smallest OtterS1 Ep56
12minWomen with ADHDS1 Ep57
15minVeggie PowerS1 Ep58
16minPompeii: Behind the ScenesS1 Ep59
15minGrowing up HadzaS1 Ep60
13minEvolution of FlavorS1 Ep61
14minMother Of The EvergladesS1 Ep62
13minCatching Florida's Apex PredatorS1 Ep63
13minThe Sweet & Sour Of Florida SugarS1 Ep64
14minFlorida's Garden of EdenS1 Ep65
12minFrom The Frontlines Of Covid19S1 Ep66
12minAmerica's Wildest Cat & Dog RivalryS1 Ep67
12minThe Birth Of Mar-a-LagoS1 Ep68
12minPreparing for HurricanesS1 Ep69
15minThe Road To FloridaS1 Ep70
12minThe Shark WhispererS1 Ep71