Classic Popeye
Popeye continues to delight young and old with his comic adventures, and the entire gang is around to provide plenty of rousing fun and action: Olive Oyl, Swee'Pea, Wimpy and Bluto!
24minHits and Missiles / Plumbers Pipe Dream / Jeep Tale / From Way OutS1 Ep1
24minHoppy Jalopy / Popeye's Pep-Up Emporium / Baby Phase / Weather WatchersS1 Ep2
23minGolden-Type Fleece / Dead-Eye Popeye / Coffee House / The BillionaireS1 Ep3
23minPopeye and the Phantom / Mueller's Mad Monster / Popeye's Pet Store / Blinkin' BeaconS1 Ep4
23minCaveman Capers / Popeye and the Spinach Stalk / Aztec Wreck / After the Ball Went OverS1 Ep5
24minSki-Jump Chump / Popeye's Car Wash / Popeye and the Dragon / Mississippi SissyS1 Ep6
23minIrate Pirate / Muskels Shmuskels / Interrupted Lullaby / Goon With the WindS1 Ep7
23minFoola-Foola Bird / Sweapea Thru the Looking Glass / Skyscraper Capers / Hamburger FishingS1 Ep8
24minChildhood Daze / Jingle Jangle Jungle / Popeye the Popular Mechanic / Popeye in HaweyeS1 Ep9
24minIncident at Missile City / Fashion Fotography / Sea No Evil / Popeye's Junior HeadacheS1 Ep10
23minDog Catcher Popeye / Popeye the Piano Mover / Take It Easel / Popeye the FiremanS1 Ep11
24minWhat's News / Voo-Doo to You Too / Matinee Idol Popeye / Popeye and the GiantS1 Ep12
23minSheepish Sheep-Herder / Sea Serpent / Little Olive Riding Hood / Invisible PopeyeS1 Ep13
24minTrack Meet Cheat / Scairdy Cat / Popeye's Trojan Horse / Aladdin's LampS1 Ep14
24minCrystal Ball Brawl / Uranium on the Cranium / Shoot the Chutes / Out of This WorldS1 Ep15
24minSwee'Pea Soup / Two-Faced Paleface / Spare Dat Tree / Frozen FeudsS1 Ep16
23minWeight for Me / Potent Lotion / Paper Pasting Pandemonium / Tiger BurgerS1 Ep17
23minOld Salt Tale / Seer-ring Is Believer-ring / Popeye Revere / The Glad GladiatorS1 Ep18
24minJeep Is Jeep / Strange Things Are Happening / Popeye's Testimonial Dinner / Popeye the Ugly Ducklin'S1 Ep19
23minPop Goes the Whistle / Giddy Gold / Around the World in Eighty Ways / The Troll Wot Got GruffS1 Ep20
24minMy Fair Olive / Which Is Witch / Kiddie Kapers / Popeyed ColumbusS1 Ep21
24minPopeye Thumb / Barbecue for Two / Astro-Nut / Popeye's Used CarS1 Ep22
23minPopeye's Tea Party / Time Marches Backwards / The Wiffle Bird's Revenge / Bullfighter BullyS1 Ep23
24minFleas a Crowd / County Fair / Popeye and Buddy Brutus / Lighthouse KeepingS1 Ep24
23minPopeye the White Collar Man / A Mite of Trouble / Butler Up / Popeye's PicnicS1 Ep25
24minLove Birds / Skinned Divers / Bell Hop Popeye / Popeye's Cool PoolS1 Ep26
23minThe Cure / Forever Ambergris / Going, Boing, Gone / Oil's Well That Ends WellS1 Ep27
24minThe Baby Contest / Spinach Shortage / Bird Watcher Popeye / Who's Kiddin' ZooS1 Ep28
24minMotor Knocks / Timber Toppers / Robot Popeye / Popeye the LifeguardS1 Ep29
24minCollege of Hard Knocks / Duel to the Finish / The Medicine Man / Hag-Way RobberyS1 Ep30
24minMessin' Up the Mississippi / Egypt Us / Myskery Melody / Popeyed FishermanS1 Ep31
24minBeaver or Not / The Big Sneeze / Westward Ho-Ho / The Green Dancin' ShoesS1 Ep32
24minDeserted Desert / The Ghost Host / Wimpy's Lunch Wagon / Popeye's FollyS1 Ep33
24minThe Spinach Scholar / Psychiatricks / Coach Popeye / Partial PostS1 Ep34
24minTooth Be or Not Tooth Be / Model Muddle / Poppa Popeye / Pest of the PecosS1 Ep35
24minMadam Salami / I Bin Sculped / Abdominal Snowman / Golf BrawlS1 Ep36
24minSpinachonara / Operation Ice-Tickle / Quick Change Ollie / Popeye's Museum PieceS1 Ep37
24minPopeye's Pizza Palace / Popeye's Service Station / A Poil for Olive Oyl / Jeep JeepS1 Ep38
24minBattery Up / Popeye in the Woods / There's No Space Like Home / Hamburgers AweighS1 Ep39
23minHill Billy Dilly / Ace of Space / Strikes, Spares an' Spinach / Sneaking PeekingS1 Ep40
23minThe Blubbering Whaler / Popeye's Travels / Bottom Gun / The Lost City of Bubble-lonS1 Ep41
24minAutographically Yours / Popeye and the Herring Snatcher / Where There's a Will / The Last ResortS1 Ep42
25minThe Mark of Zero / The Square Egg / The Super Duper Market / The Rain BreakerS1 Ep43
24minDouble Cross Country Feet Race / Rip Van Popeye / Sea Hagracy / Popeye and the Magic HatS1 Ep44
24minInsultin' the Sultan / Down the Hatch / It Only Hurts When They Laughs / Wimpy the MoocherS1 Ep45
24minMirror Magic / Jeopardy Sheriff / Canine Caprice / Camel AiresS1 Ep46
24minPopeye's Double Trouble / Rags to Riches to Rags / Hair Cut-Ups / Popeye Goes Sale-ingS1 Ep47
23minSpinach Greetings / Popeye in the Grand Steeple Chase / Valley of the Goons / William Won't TellS1 Ep48
24minThe Day Silky Went Blozo / Amusement Park / Me Quest for Poopdeck Pappy / RogerS1 Ep49
24minThe Golden Touch / The Bathing Beasts / Moby Hick / Ballet de SpinachS1 Ep50
24minGem Jam / Popeye's Hypnotic Glance / Boardering on Trouble / Olive Drab and the Seven Swea PeasS1 Ep51
24minThe Leprechaun / The Black Knight / I Yam Wot I Yamnesia / Popeye's Fixit ShopS1 Ep52
24minPopeye and the Polite Dragon / Have Time, Will Travel / Intellectual Interlude / Voice from the DeepS1 Ep53
24minPrivate Eye Popeye / Disguise the Limit / Spoil Sport / Popeye de LeonS1 Ep54
24minUncivil War / Dog-Gone Dog-Catcher / Popeye's Corn-Certo / Seeing DoubleS1 Ep55