Gadget Boy's Adventures in History
Secret agent hijinks and adventures with Gadget Boy, the most sophisticated crime solving boy.
23minThe Vulture Has LandedS1 Ep1
23minThe Long And Winding WallS1 Ep2
22minFor Whom the Torch TollsS1 Ep3
22minThese Are A Few of My Favorite Flying ThingsS1 Ep4
23minAn Ice Age Runs Through ItS1 Ep5
23minValley Of The VultureS1 Ep6
23minThe Land Time ForgotS1 Ep7
22minIce Station VultureS1 Ep8
23minThree Brainiacs in a FountainS1 Ep9
23minComing In On A Web And A PrayerS1 Ep10
23minAll's Fair at the World's FairS1 Ep11
23minA Whale Of A Sail Of A TailS1 Ep12
23minAn Extinct PossibilityS1 Ep13
23minA Knight To RememberS1 Ep14
23minNo Laughing MatterS1 Ep15
23minIt's Not Easy Staying GreenS1 Ep16
23minMadam Spydra-FlyS1 Ep17
23minJust Fakir-ing ItS1 Ep18
23minA Gadget Boy ChristmasS1 Ep19
23minThe Three GadgetsS1 Ep20
23minHot Time In The Old Cage TonightS1 Ep21
23minBionic Blunder From Down UnderS1 Ep22
23minGo West Young VultureS1 Ep23
23minSome Assembly RequiredS1 Ep24
23minGadget-steinS1 Ep25
23minBack to the VultureS1 Ep26