Meet the Pajanimals! These cuddly, gentle friends help young viewers learn important lessons they need every day.
22minHouse of Pancakes / Missing Mom & DadS1 Ep1
22minPresent for Mom / Queen for a NightS1 Ep2
22minWinning Isn't Everything / An Octopus HugS1 Ep3
22minSuper Squacky / I'm Sorry, Really SorryS1 Ep4
22minHappy Birthday Sweetpea Sue / Blankie in the LaundryS1 Ep5
22minTry & Try Again / No Bath for MeS1 Ep6
22minA Colorful Problem / Light in the SkyS1 Ep7
22minApollo's Special Day / Night Will Sing Us to SleepS1 Ep8
22minGame Day / Super Sweet NightS1 Ep9
22minThe Rocket Ride / Dream A Happy DreamS1 Ep10
22minShare Day / Tomorrow is Brand NewS1 Ep11
22minPuppy Love / Under the BedS1 Ep12
22minNot-So-Great Outdoors / Home Sweet HomeS1 Ep13
22minJoy to the World / Snow BusinessS1 Ep14
22minSing a Pajanimal Song / Time Out for TwoS1 Ep15
22minLet's Play Together / Team FortS1 Ep16
22minThe Cow's Meow / Special ThingsS1 Ep17
22minOff to My School Adventure / Mind Your MannersS1 Ep18
22minDentist Jitters / Off to Work They GoS1 Ep19
22minOuch! / Mountains of MessinessS1 Ep20
22minI Can Do It Better / Oops!S1 Ep21
22minOne Teacup, Two Friends / Wonderfully Different SquackyS1 Ep22
22minI Was A Baby? / We're Going CampingS1 Ep23
22minA Laugh a Minute / No More BulliesS1 Ep24
22minMom Is Amazing! / Accidents Can HappenS1 Ep25
22minPajanimal Dance Party / Spooky CostumesS1 Ep26