Sabrina, the Animated Series
The animated adventures of Sabrina the witch.
24minMost Dangerous WitchS1 Ep1
24minYou Said a Mouse-FulS1 Ep2
24minBoggie ShoesS1 Ep3
24minA Tail of Two KittiesS1 Ep4
24minThe Senses-Shattering Adventures of Captain HarvtasticS1 Ep5
24minPicture PerfectS1 Ep6
24minField Trippin'S1 Ep7
24minNo Time to Be a HeroS1 Ep8
24minExtreme HarveyS1 Ep9
24minShrink to FitS1 Ep10
24minNothin' Says Lovin' Like Something From a CovenS1 Ep11
24minWag the WitchS1 Ep12
24minWitchy GrrrlsS1 Ep13
24minParanormal PiS1 Ep14
24minAnywhere But HereS1 Ep15
24minDocumagicaryS1 Ep16
24minThe Grandparent TrapS1 Ep17
23minI Got Glue BabeS1 Ep18
24minBoy Meets BikeS1 Ep19
24minUpside Down TownS1 Ep20
24minStage FrightS1 Ep21
24minMy Step Mother the BabeS1 Ep22
24minThis is Your Nine LivesS1 Ep23
24minHex-Change StudentsS1 Ep24
24minSaturday Night FurorS1 Ep25
24minThe Hex FilesS1 Ep26
24minStone BrokeS1 Ep27
24minMolar MolarS1 Ep28
24minHarvzillaS1 Ep29
24minWhen in RomeS1 Ep30
24minField of ScreamsS1 Ep31
24minDriver EdS1 Ep32
24minSend in the ClonesS1 Ep33
24minFeats of ClayS1 Ep34
24minBoard and SorceryS1 Ep35
24minGeneration ZapS1 Ep36
24minEnchanted VacationS1 Ep37
24minXabrina Warrior WitchS1 Ep38
24minStraight Outta ParisS1 Ep39
24minStrange New WorldS1 Ep40
24minWitchery Science TheaterS1 Ep41
24minYou've Got A FriendS1 Ep42
24minHexcaliburS1 Ep43
24minBrina BabyS1 Ep44
23minWitchwreckedS1 Ep45
24minFish SchtickS1 Ep46
24minWorking WitchesS1 Ep47
24minWitchmas CaroleS1 Ep48
24minWiccan of the SeaS1 Ep49
24minKey to My HeartS1 Ep50
23minLe Femme SabrinaS1 Ep51
24minThe Bat PackS1 Ep52