Wacky World Beaters
Amberly and Gilly are on a global tour with a mission to find the world's ultimate wacky sport.
25minBog Snorkelling ChampionshipsS1 Ep1
25minWorthing Birman RallyS1 Ep2
24minNagasaki Speed Eating ChampionshipS1 Ep3
25minLudwigsburg Pumpkin RegattaS1 Ep4
25minSport Stacking Asian OpenS1 Ep5
25minWorld Gravy Wrestling ChampionshipsS1 Ep6
25minBirnam Highland GamesS1 Ep7
25minSouth Korean Dakssaum ChampionshipsS1 Ep8
32minAir Guitar World ChampionshipsS1 Ep9
25minTokyo Dog Grooming ChampionshipsS1 Ep10
25minTaichung City Foam RaceS1 Ep11
25minUk Onion Eating ChampionshipsS1 Ep12
25minDapu Ceative Bike RaceS1 Ep13
25minWorld Gurning ChampionshipsS1 Ep14
25minWorld Black Pudding Throwing ChampionshipsS1 Ep15
25minTaekwondo Dance CompetitionS1 Ep16
25minEgremont Pole Climbing CompetitionS1 Ep17
25minBelgium Regatta Of BathtubsS1 Ep18
25minWorld Haggis Eating ChampionshipsS1 Ep19
25minThe Best Of Wacky World BeatersS1 Ep20