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Little Baby BumLittle Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes. With her friends and family, 6-year-old Mia experiences the world around her through song and sometimes a bit of magic, too. A world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring. Children love singing and dancing with Mia, Baby Max and a fun, diverse cast of animal, vehicle and human friends. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, their world comes alive.Xumo Free Kids TV

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Classic Popeye

Inspector Gadget

Akili and Me

The Wiggles, Part 2

Rainbow Rangers Seasons 1-2

Ollie: The Boy Who Became What He Ate


Adventures of Paddington Bear


Strawberry Shortcake

Barney and Friends Seasons 7-9

Barney and Friends Seasons 9-11

Barney and Friends Seasons 12-14

Sabrina the Animated Series

Unspeakable for Kids

Angelina Ballerina

Toot The Tiny Tugboat

Baby Einstein Classics

Bob the Builder

Animal Mechanicals

Almost Naked Animals

Fireman Sam

KidsFlix Movies

Three Amigonauts

The Doodlebops

Bat Pat

Camp Lakebottom

Strawberry Shortcake (Classic)

Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures

Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs


Polly Pocket (Classics)

Guitar and Drum

Numb Chucks Season 1

Numb Chucks Season 2

Bo on the Go!

Little People

Animal All Stars

Kids Christmas